Wednesday, September 2, 2020

I wish I had a snappy title to put here.

Well, I checked the projected odds for the World Series and I can honestly say that the Red Sox don't really stand a chance.

Courtesy of FanGraphs:
(click on it for a bigger image)
FanGraphs gives them a 1% chance of making the playoffs and less than 1% chance of winning any games at all during the playoffs.

And for the record, Baseball Reference gives them even lower odds.

With the elimination of the Bruins and the elimination of the Red Sox, my hopes are resting with the Patriots simply because I could care less about basketball. I never liked playing it and I never liked watching it. The sound of a bouncing basketball grates on my nerves like nails on a chalk board. As far as I'm concerned, the Celtics are a bunch of guys who show up every so often and cover the ice at the Garden with a wooden floor.

Now that primary season is over, we can finally stop listening to those idiotic self-serving, bombastic television commercials.

I was pleased to learn that once again, I will get the pleasure of not voting for Richie Neal. I understand there will be a republican or an independent on the ballot this November so maybe I'll vote for him/her. Either that or I'll write myself in like I usually do.

I also understand that for the first time since the 1952 senate race between Cabot and Kennedy, a Kennedy has lost an election in Massachusetts.

Despite the fact that most people in Boston would cut their own wrists before voting against a Kennedy, JoJo went down in flames and Ed "Do you like my poor-people sneakers?" Markey will be on the ballot in November. I have no idea if there are any republicans or independents running against him but if not, I'll just write my own name in.

Who knows, maybe on of these days I'll accidentally elect myself to office. Wouldn't that be a kick in the ass....

Yes, I'm going to watch the Red Sox.

No, I don't expect them to win.

Yes, I realize I'm wasting my evenings watching them.

No, I don't care about wasting my evenings. I'm old and I kinda like wasting my evenings.

You should probably waste your evening clicking on these:

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