Wednesday, November 25, 2020

It was "drive like an asshole" day.

I ran a few errands today and holy crap, I was pretty sure I was going to get t-boned.

One of my stops involved fueling my car. As I was pulling away from the pump, some woman decided she really needed to pull out of her spot into the side of my car. I honked and she stopped before hitting me but that little event foreshadowed what was coming.

A few minutes later, I was stopped in the left lane, waiting to make a left turn into the parking lot. That was when the little old man with the coke-bottle glasses driving the giant 1980 Oldsmobile Delta 88 decided he was going to pull out directly into oncoming traffic. This caused the poor young lady who was driving down the road to panic and swerve into my lane. At the last second, he stopped and she managed to get back on her side of the road.

Finally, I was waiting to pull out of my parking space when the woman two parking spaces over decided she couldn't possibly wait for the guy who was driving in the travel lane and she backed into him. I was not involved but it was an indication that I should probably get my ass home before I ended up needing to buy a new car.

I like my car.

Tomorrow is the day we eat lots of food, watch football and fall asleep on our couches.

The next day is the day we eat lots of leftovers, spend our money on "Black Friday Deals" and fall asleep on our couches.

Today is the day you can visit these links while I fall asleep on my couch:

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