Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Not a long day

It was a bit chilly today but not overly busy.

My favorite kind of day.

This, in a nutshell, is the problem with the democrats.

For some reason, the leadership in that party is unable to control the message and these loud-mouthed socialists are destroying what little support the democrats have outside of the big cities. It's that kind of bullshit that got us Donald Trump in the first place.

Pelosi and Biden need to rein those people in and present a message to the public that doesn't include, "So you borrowed $120,000 from the American taxpayers to get a four year bachelor's degree in Art History and now you can't find a job? You can't pay the loan back? No problem, we'll just forgive the loan and you can go on making really shitty life decisions without any consequences."

The message should be, "The federal government will pay your loan off for you if you join the military for 6 years. Your choice of branch as long as that particular branch has a need for you." That is a message that the average working stiff can tolerate.

If this keeps up for the next four years, we are going to end up with another Trump, or someone worse, presidency in 2024...

Still no moves within the Red Sox organization. Then again, there haven't been a lot of moves within most ball teams.

I think the shortened season and the cheating scandal has caused the teams to be a little careful with changes in their organization. I think ownership is asking, "What kind of guy is this guy? We saw what he can do during a 60 game season but how will he perform in game 120 or 150 or 160? Will he be a problem in the clubhouse? Is he worth what he's asking?"

I think we're going to see lower salaries and shorter contracts being offered and that is going to piss off the MLBPA. The last thing that union wants is for pay to go down.

Now I have a FAA presentation to sit through.

These links are for you:

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