Saturday, November 21, 2020

It's a dogs life

This is my pillow.
There are many like it, but this one is mine.
My pillow is my best friend. It is my life.
I must hug it as I master my nap.

If you have been reading this spewage for any length of time, you know that my house is home to various creatures. One of them is this little dog, The Small Dog. There are also two cats, The Sisters. I think I'll call them Cat1 and Cat2. There is also a chinchilla, a hamster and a fish. We used to have many other creatures wandering around but those critters are now all residents of the great beyond.

The point of this is to let you know that when a creature enters this house, they begin to live a life that people living in third-world countries would envy. When she was a child, my daughter wanted to bring goats, pigs and horses into the house but I issued an edict that farm animals are not allowed. I spent a lot of time on a farm and there is one thing I know about farm animals - they poop. A lot. And they don't care where they poop.

You haven't lived until you've experienced the thrill of doing the unexpected splits because you accidentally stepped in a freshly issued pile of cow shit.

There was a big sign on the entrance to Walgreens today that said, "No, we don't have the covid vaccine."

That leads me to believe that some people have been going in to Walgreens and saying, "Give me one of them thar 'rona shots!"

That also leads me to believe that some people are morons.

Here are a few links for you:

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