Friday, November 20, 2020

So much for "herd immunity"

When this whole 'rona thing started up and all the scientists were telling us to isolate from each other, Sweden decided to have a go at something called "herd immunity".

Herd Immunity is the concept that if you allow the virus to infect as many people as possible, eventually everyone (at least those left alive) will develop a natural immunity to it. This is basically what Sweden's Chief Epidemiologist convinced the Swedish government would happen if they just let the Swedes do what they wanted to do.

Well, in a true representation of that old adage, "The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry", it turns out that Sweden's strategy was a complete failure.

I'm not sure if Dr. Anders Tegnell still has a job or not but it'll probably be a cold day in hell before anyone listens to him again.

Warning: I am about to insult Trump and Giuliani

    Yes, Trump is still claiming he did not lose the election.
    No, he has not started the process of an orderly transition.
    Yes, this is going to go bady for all of us.
    Yes, Trump and Giuliani are complete assholes.

I was able to find a few links for you:

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