Saturday, November 28, 2020

Yet another quiet day.

The social media mob is having a field day creating memes with Trump at the small signing desk.

I gotta be honest with you, I think the man looks ridiculous on a normal day. Put him behind that small table and he looks even more silly.

The Ravens / Steelers game has been postponed to Tuesday because several Ravens have tested positive. Today we learned that one of the Steelers has tested positive as well.

Several other teams, including the Broncos, the Titans, the Cardinals, the Colts and the Browns have players that tested positive, which caused the NFL to tell all teams to cancel all practices for at least two days. They are also juggling the schedule to accommodate further postponements.

I'm getting the impression we may be seeing the beginning of the end of the football season.

I was hoping to see the ISS go over this evening but I was an hour too late.

My next good opportunity is December 7th at 5:46pm.

The few links that I managed to dig up are shown below:

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