Friday, May 21, 2021

They keep finding ways to win

When I went to bed last night, the Red Sox were losing to the Blue Jays 5-7 in the 8th inning. When I woke up this morning, I discovered that the Red Sox managed to score three runs in the 9th and win the game 8-7.

I wish I could have seen that 9th inning but I was so tired I was falling asleep sitting up.

Trust me, I do not want to fall asleep sitting up. My neck and back would turn against me and become professional protestors, complaining about every move I made.

So anyways, the Red Sox are in Philadelphia today to play the Phillies. That means I get to see Martin Perez swing a bat.

I love watching an American League pitcher try to bat. It's one of the more entertaining moments in baseball.

As for the other sport in my world, the Bruins and Capitals faceoff in game four of their best of seven series this evening. The Bruins lead the series 2-1 and a win tonight will make me very happy.

And so it begins:

That image is from NOAA's National Hurricane Center and it shows a 90% chance of a cyclone (tropical storm) developing in the mid-Atlantic.

Looks like hurricane season may be starting a bit early this year.

Burgers and dogs for dinner tonight and then some sporting events.

Here are some links:

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