Friday, May 28, 2021

The end of an era

On August 17, 2020, I got my very first covid test. It came back negative, which is actually a pretty good feeling.

On January 12, 2020, I tested positive for covid.

This past Wednesday, May 26, 2021, I received my final covid test:

It's been kind of a wild ride that, at the very least, taught me a lot about people and how they deal with the unknown.

Most of us looked at the 'rona as a illness that was really contagious and could be deadly for some of us. Particularly for the elderly or those among us who might already have some minor medical issue like asthma.

Most of us accepted the idea (and in some cases, the legal requirement) that wearing a simple face covering could help prevent the spread of the disease and maybe save the life of some little old lady who we crossed paths with at the grocery store.

Most of us understood that periodic testing was a way of keeping track of who had the 'rona and identifying those of us who should stay away from others. My household is the perfect example of how testing helped - none of us would have known that we had covid without the test. We were fortunate enough to be in the group of people that had almost no symptoms and without the test, we would have gone through our lives oblivious to the fact we were probably infecting people who were not as fortunate.

But there were some of us in our society who looked at the 'rona as some evil conspiracy. It was something that the government was using to exert control over us and to take away our "freedoms". They refused to wear masks, they questioned every statement made by scientists and doctors, they made up stories and they claimed to know more about the 'rona than the medical community.

In other words, they were gullible fools who spent a lot of time and energy trying avoid any precautions. They probably also infected a lot of other people like that little old lady who wanted nothing more than to buy some toilet paper and go home.

Then, once the medical community created, tested and approved a vaccine, those gullible fools created even more idiotic conspiracy theories about how the vaccine contained tracking chips or was really a mind control drug.

Fortunately, most of us followed the advice given by the medical community. We wore our masks and when it became available, we got vaccinated. That means that the 'rona has no control over us any longer and we can begin the process of getting back to living a normal life. Hopefully they will finish the vaccine testing and make it available to little kids so we can start being families again. Once that happens, the only people that will have to worry about the 'rona are the ones that either medically can't get vaccinated or they were dumb enough to refused to get vaccinated.

I will do what I can for the folks that can't get vaccinated because of a medical condition. I will gladly wear a mask around you and maintain plenty of distance. The rest of you that refused to get vaccinated are on your own. Stay away from us, we don't want your cooties.

It's time for me to watch some baseball.

That means it's time for you to do whatever the hell it is that you do.

Here are some links:

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