Friday, January 22, 2021

Time to fess up

On Tuesday the 12th, we tested positive for covid and we went into quarantine.

Today, the 22nd, the state told us we were no longer contagious and could resume our lives.

We have no idea how we ended up with covid. The only place my wife and I have been is the grocery store and I went to Home Depot. My daughter, who works at the animal clinic, has minimal contact with humans and no one else at the clinic tested positive.

Personally, I think I picked it up at Home Depot because I was the first of us to have symptoms.

And speaking of symptoms, the only things we've had to deal with have been some minor congestion. It's almost like one of those annoying summer colds where you have a runny nose but no other problems. Oh, and I have lost a bit of my ability to taste things. It's not like I lost my taste entirely, it's just that everything tastes kinda bland.

So anyways, that's been our lives for the last 10 days. Now, according to the CDC, we are immune to covid. I certainly can't complain about that part of this but the whole quarantine thing and not knowing if one of us was going to be one of those people that ends up on a ventilator kind of sucked.

I don't recommend it but now that it's over, it's a relief to know that there is a very slim chance we'll get it again and a just as slim chance that we will give it to someone else.

Hammerin' Hank Aaron died today.

He was a good man and a great athlete. Our world was a better place with him in it.

Congress and the Senate are focused on impeaching a guy who isn't even president anymore and it's kind of pissing Biden off. He came out today and said,
    "The bottom line is this: We’re in a national emergency, and we need to act like we’re in a national emergency."
He's right. One of the problems with our government is that it's so goddamned splintered that they are focused on the wrong things. Democrats have their petty little thoughts and Republicans have their petty little thoughts.

It would be nice if the people we elected to run our country stopped thinking about their little wants and needs and started thinking about ours.

Sorry, I got political there for a minute. I'll stop now.

No sports tonight but the Bruins did manage to beat the Flyers last night.

I'm going to watch some bad tv and probably fall asleep early. One other thing that covid does is it makes you tired.

While I do that, you can do these:

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