Friday, January 8, 2021

Things are weird

If you had told me a year ago that I would be saying any of these things out loud in one year, I would have called you insane. But here we are a year later and I find myself saying things like:
  1. I'm a grandpa!
  2. Those fake hamburgers aren't too bad. They don't actually taste like a hamburger but they don't taste like shit either.
  3. I just did 30 minutes on the treadmill.
  4. Mike Pence appears to be an ethical human being.
  5. Put your damned mask on.
  6. I might actually be able to retire one of these days.

I'm trying to not post anything about the shithole that is our federal government but since that seems to be the only news, I'm limited in what I say.

I did find out the Tommy Lasorda died the other day. I wasn't a big fan because, well, he was the manager of the LA Dodgers and I don't like them but I did admire his ability to argue with an ump. He took baseball very seriously.

I also discovered that the media and politicians are still, in general, idiots.

This story from the Associated Press contains the line, "There will be political fallout for his actions."

No there won't.

Let's face it, if there was no political fallout over the things Trump has said over the years, there will be no political fallout over the things Hawley has said. Give it a month and no one will even remember who he is.

I'm going to watch some bad TV and fall asleep early. Here are a few links for you:

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