Friday, October 8, 2021

I thought I'd given them the shake

Several years ago, the Old Folk Gang (aka "AARP") started pursuing me in an attempt to extort money from me. They would send me flyers and "special offers" to entice me to join their gang but I refused to get involved. I told them to stop harrassing me because I don't do gangs or cults but they persisted.

Finally, about 5 years ago, they stopped hitting me up for money and after a year or two, I figured I had given them the slip.

Turns out I was wrong:

This time they are trying to entice me with an offer of a "Free 4-piece Organizer Set", whatever the hell that is.

I tell ya, getting old is tough enough without the addition of being hunted by gangs.

The Red Sox played like shit last night and lost to the Rays 5-0. As I predicted, Rodriguez didn't make it through two innings before Cora pulled him.

But I can't blame Rodriguez for the loss. Hell, I can't even blame the batters for not scoring any runs. They hit the ball hard quite a few times but in every case there was a Ray standing there to catch the ball.

At one point, I watched Dalbec scorch a 100+ mph line drive right into the third baseman's glove.

Hopefully tonight goes better and they even the series. It will suck if they come back to Boston down 2 games.

I've got some busy-ness to attend to and then some baseball to watch. I also want to eat some dinner.

While I attempt to juggle those things, you can visit these links:

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