Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Lots of rain, little wind.

Not sure when these 40mph wind gusts are supposed to be here but I know they aren't here now. Oh well, I'm still ready for whatever this alleged storm throws at us.

And for the record, I'd like it to throw nothing at us.

I'd like to keep my National Grid electricity and my Spectrum cable/internet, thank you very much.

I was looking at the NHL standings today and I noticed that the Bruins have only played four games while most other teams have played six and some have played seven.

I wonder why that is?

I was driving behind a car the other day that had a "PZEV" logo on it and that got me wondering, "Who the hell is the genius that came up with that mathematical impossibility and sold it to the government as a real thing?"

If you don't know, PZEV stands for "Partial Zero Emissions Vehicle".

Also, if you don't know, "zero" is the only mathematical number that cannot be broken down into parts. Every other number can be divided into parts but not zero.

If you have 1 of something, you can cut it in half and you will have ½, or part, of 1. If you have 0 of something and you cut it in half, you will still of 0. You cannot cut 0 in half hence you cannot have a part of 0.

In other words, you can never have partial zero of anything. That means the PZEV is either a "Zero Emissions Vehicle" or it is a lie.

I'll let you figure out which it is.

No hockey tonight so I get to continue plowing through DVRs.

While I do that, you can do these:

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