Monday, October 11, 2021

One game away

It took them 13 innings but the Red Sox managed to beat the Rays 6-4 last night and now lead the series two games to one. If they win tonight, they win their leg of the ALDS and move on to the ALCS.

Thank goodness last nights game started at 4:00 because it lasted 5 ½ hours. If it had started at 7:00, there is no way I would have made it to the end.

First pitch for tonight's game is at 7:10. If the score is close, I'll try to make it through all nine innings. If it's a blow out, one way of the other, I'll probably only make it through six or seven innings.

The problem is that both teams went through a lot of pitchers last night so I have no idea who is available to pitch. Rodriguez is the starter tonight and as I said last time he pitched, he is on a short leash. Cora will pull him if he starts giving up runs. The question is, who will Cora have ready to go if Rodriquez falls apart?

Of course, the Rays pretty much have the same problem.

This game is hard to predict. It's either going to be an major blowout, a nothing/nothing tie or they'll be trading leads through all nine innings.

I've been reading up on all this crap about facebook and the woman who is doing the whistle-blower thing. It's pretty interesting and highly complex.

In a nutshell, there is no human, or group of humans, at facebook that is pushing misinformation, lies or falsehoods on to you. There is, however, a set of computer programs called "the algorithm" that is pushing misinformation, lies and falsehoods on to you.

When Zuckerberg says that facebook is not intentionally repeating false or misleading stories, he's telling the truth. Sorta. The company has created these algorithms that track what you like and present you with more of it. The problem is, you like bullshit.

You like to read about how cops are all thugs who beat people, that democrats stole the election or that mask mandates violate your constitutional rights.

You like those little cartoons that compare Trump to Hitler, call Pelosi "Obama's lap dog" or show border patrol horse riders whipping little black babies.

You love the bulleted listings that show the dangerous chemicals in the MRNA covid vaccine or that "prove" the fifth generation (5G) cell towers cause autism.

You are addicted to the rush you get when you open up facebook and read all the things facebook is showing you. It's like a drug to you.

The big problem in all of this is that Zuckerberg refuses to admit that his process is flawed and it is as addictive as nicotine. He has created a whole new type of addict and he's is getting rich off it.

The bigger problem is that much like cocaine in the 1960s, the government hasn't caught up with it and has no idea how to control it. The government is always at least 5 years behind any new drug that comes along and this is no different. They aren't equipped to handle digital addiction so Zuckerberg just keeps peddling his goods and claiming that he is doing nothing wrong.

The problem with what I just wrote is that I personally don't think the government should be in the business of controlling what you see on facebook, or any other particular piece of information. If we're stupid enough to believe any of the lies being driven by "social media" then I guess we get what we deserve. We get leaders like The Donald or Goofy Joe.

My recommendation to you is to stop using facebook. Delete it from your phone, delete it from your computer and make an attempt to delete your account all together.

When you try to delete your account, you'll discover that Zuckerberg is like any other drug dealer. He'll tell you, "Sure! No problem! Just click here and in about 2 weeks, your account will go away. If you want to stop the deletion, just open your account up and we'll stop the deletion!" Then he'll send you all kinds of notices in an attempt to get you to click on something and open your account, cancelling the deletion process.

I tried to walk away from facebook a year ago and as far as I know, my account is still out there. It's still there because facebook cancelled my delete request when someone attempted to log in as me. They didn't succeed mind you, they just tried to log in but that was enough for Zuckerberg to say, "Oh look! He wants to keep his account!" and cancel my deletion request.

I'm going to feed some four-legged creatures, make some dinner and then watch some baseball.

You can check these out of you want:

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