Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Good riddance

Eric "I used to be an assistant to one of Obama's assistants!" Lesser has announced that he is running for Lieutenant Governor. He intends on focusing all his efforts on getting his choo-choo dreams realized.

Lesser is probably one of the most adept individuals at "jumping on the bandwagon" that I have ever seen. He will say whatever the loudest group wants him to say. I don't believe he's had an original thought in his entire public life. He does whatever the party tells him to do.

He's also incredibly focused on choo-choo trains. I think his parents never bought him that Lionel train set he wanted as a child and now he's doing whatever it takes to get a train of his very own.

I have two things to say to Choo-Choo Lesser:
  1. There aren't enough people in Western Mass looking to take a train to Boston to make that train worthwhile.
  2. The people of Western Mass don't want all the idiots from Boston moving out here, turning our little bit of heaven into a shithole Boston suburb.
On the upside, if he becomes the Lt. Governor, he won't be my state senator anymore. Yes, I realize we'll probably end up with some other moron but in my humble opinion, no one is worse that Eric "The Party Lackey" Lesser

The minute I get up and leave the room, she takes over the warm spot on the couch.
When I come back in and tell her to move, she looks at me like I just took her favorite squeak toy away.

Her picture should be in the dictionary under the definition of "puppy dog eyes".

My top-secret project has met a successful benchmark and has the functionality I want it to have.

I still can't tell you about it because I want to keep it top-secret until I finalize the changes. Once I do that, it won't be top-secret anymore. It will be just plain-old-secret. That means I still won't tell you, the internet, about it because, well, it is my opinion that the internet isn't very good at keeping a secret.

There is hockey this evening with the Bruins playing the Devils.

Hopefully they continue playing well and they win their third game in a row. I believe once you win three in a row it's considered a winning streak.

While I watch that game, you can click on these links:

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