Saturday, January 8, 2022

There's always that one guy

We went grocery shopping today and the store was packed. And when I say packed, I mean it. It was like no one had been shopping for food for the last month and suddenly they all decided to go. There were a lot of people in the store.

For the last year, we have usually worn our face masks when we are in a store. The simple reason is that when we had covid last year, we didn't know it. The only reason we found out we had covid was because the college was testing us every week and they found it. What that means is that it's possible we could have covid again and not know it, None of us want to go around infecting people who might not be as fortunate as we were and they end up really sick or even dead from covid.

So anyways, we are in the grocery store and, since Springfield issued an indoor mask mandate recently, pretty much everyone was wearing a mask.

Except for that one guy...

You know the guy: White guy, about 50, American flag on the sleeve of his jacket, tight blue jeans and work boots. Probably driving a black F150 with gold trim and a toolbox in the bed. You just know he's got that, "No one's gonna tell me what to do!" attitude. The only thing missing was a firearm and for all I know, he was packin' under jacket.

So if you were in Big Y on Cooley St. this morning and you suddenly come down with covid, blame the arrogant, self-centered jerk in the black coat who was wandering around, fondling all the fresh vegetables and breathing on everyone that came within 10 feet of him.

Yes, there is hockey tonight. The Bruins are playing the Lightning at 7:00

Yes, the Lightning is a tough team that is currently in first place in the NHL.

Yes, I'm hoping the Bruins win but I'm also a realist.

I'm also tired so if the game sucks for the Bruins, you can bet I'll probably fall asleep on my couch and miss most of the third period.

My dinner is ready and I'm going to go eat it before it gets cold.

While I do that, you can click on these:

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