Saturday, January 29, 2022

Well, that was a bust

Despite hearing the weather dweebs repeat over and over again how we were going to get 8-14 inches and how my town was in the zone that should expect the 14 inches, I can assure you that we did not get 14 inches. We got, at most, 6 inches.

And there are almost no drifts. Yes, it's breezy but no more than usual. It's not like a hurricane is blowing out there.

Now I have to call my uncle out in Pittsburgh and assure him that we are all still alive.

Every time the national news starts up with the "millions in the path!" bullshit and says things like "storm of the century!", he calls me and asks if everyone is okay.

Well, he called me last night because he was worried.

Now I'm going to call him and we're going to laugh at the idiots on the national news. Then he and his wife, my godmother, will sleep easier tonight knowing that we are all okay.

Here are a few links that you can click on:

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