Sunday, March 13, 2022

I hate time changes

Last night, after the Bruins finished off the Coyotes 3-2, I took two NyQuil in an effort to combat a head cold/sinus issue I've been dealing with. Then I went to bed.

If you know me, you know that head cold medicine messes with my brain and my sleeping habits so I got kind of a shitty nights sleep. When I got out of bed at 6:00 to let the dog out, I felt like I hadn't slept at all.

As I type this, the clock in front of me says 7:00pm and it feels like it's 10:00pm.

I hate head colds (No, it's not the rhona) but I really hate these damned time changes we go through every few months.

I vote we just leave it at daylight savings time and knock it off the whole time change thing.

As I said, the Bruins won last night but just barely. Despite the fact the Coyotes kind of suck (they are in last place in the western conference), the Bruins did not impress me with their play.

They scored two quick goals in the first period and it looked like they were going to beat the daylights out of the Coyotes. Then they kinda fell apart and allowed the Coyotes to score one goal in the second period and a second goal in the third, tying the game.

With three minutes left in the game, they Bruins scored a third goal and then struggled to hold off the Coyotes over the final three minutes. The Coyotes came damned close to tying the game in the last second but Swayman held his own and saved the game.

They face the Black Hawks again this Tuesday but this game is in Chicago which is not in my time zone. With the game starting at 8:30 and the probability that this time change will have me all screwed by Tuesday night, I'll probably find out who won the game on Wednesday morning.

Have I mentioned that I hate time changes?

I'm going to watch the nightly coverage of the war. I can't help but wonder if one of my nephews or a son/daughter of someone I know will end up in harms way over there.

It's not Goofy Joe that worries me, it's the congressmen and senators that keep saying, "We need to get involved! We need to send jets!"

Those assholes worry me.

I feel bad for the Ukrainians but escalating the risk of nuclear war with that psycho from Russia is something we do not need to do.

I have grandchildren and I would like very much for them to grow up in peace and prosperity.

Here are some links:

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