Thursday, January 19, 2017

Another mistake of Presidential proportions.

President Obama has tossed out the prison sentences for some pretty nasty people. As a matter of fact, one of the people he set free is a serial bomber who murdered 5 people back in the 1970s.

I'm a fan of second chances. As someone once said, "Let he among you who is without sin cast the first stone" All of us have skeletons in our closets and not a single one of us can say with a straight face that they have never done anything wrong.

If you are in prison for stealing or fraud and you've been a model prisoner who has admitted his/her mistake, shown remorse and made an effort to repay the victim, then yea, you deserve a second chance.

If you plant bombs and kill innocent people because you don't like it the government and then you continue to make seditious statements that show absolutely no remorse, you don't deserve a second chance. As a matter of fact, you deserve to be executed.

Between his commutations and his famous "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" health care program, I have a feeling that Barack Obama as President is going to be remembered poorly....

I have some links for you:

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