Saturday, January 7, 2017

The ladies are safe and sound

My daughter and her little dog are safely back in her apartment in Iowa with their special guest, mom.

Mom will be with them for another day or so and then she'll catch a plane back here.

I spent last night at a retirement party for my buddy John. He is now officially a retired cop looking to find something else to do before he gets around to actually retiring.

Since he's a hard working guy, I'm pretty sure he'll find something else soon. In the meantime, he gets to relax and no longer deal the assholes of the world.

Two guys that I haven't seen in 30 years were at the event last night. I worked with Buck and Moose back in the 80s and they both went on to careers in law enforcement - Buck as a chief out in the sticks of central Mass and Moose as a crime scene photographer in Springfield.

We haven't aged well.

We're all fat, one of us is bald, none of us drank any booze and we were all out the door headed for home by 9:00pm.

We all agreed that if this was 30 years ago, we would have been ten beers into the show by the time 9:00 rolled around and just getting started with our night. The bartenders would be asking to please leave around 2:15 and we'd all head for Denny's to consume a ton of food. Then we'd all get up the next day and go to work like nothing was wrong.

Trust me, partying like a maniac is a lot more fun when you're in your late 20s but we had a good time and none of us will spend today and tomorrow regretting a massive hangover.

You can visit these links if you are so inclined:

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