Monday, January 30, 2017

Not much going on today.

I'm still trying to recover from our late night last Saturday night.

I used to be a night owl but then I got married, had kids and built a career, all of which seemed destined to make me a morning person.

I'm not a good morning person but I'm a worse night owl.

So it appears that a someone decided to shoot up a mosque in Quebec yesterday and man, the media went crazy reporting everything they could think of. At one point there was a lot of stuff being posted that identified two white supremacists as the shooters.

Then there was a lot of stuff being put out about three men walking in, shouting allahu akbar and shooting the place up.

Finally, there is information being posted about two men being arrested. One guy is supposedly a shooter and the other guy is a witness. I'm still unsure how a "witness" gets arrested but what the hell, it's Canada.

Here's what I know: Some sick sonuvabitch shot a bunch of people who were sitting around praying and this is probably going to turn into a massive argument about guns and Trump. What it really should be is a patient wait while people who investigate these kinds of things do their job.

If the politicians and the social warriors can shut their mouths for a bit and let the investigators do their job, we might one day know who did what and why they did it.

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