Friday, January 20, 2017

Dreary day

It looked like maybe we might see a little sun this morning but that passed quickly and it turned out to be another typical New England January day. The cloud base was at 2,500 feet making today yet another day of no flying for me.

When I first started my flight training, it was March and if I remember correctly, there were a lot of days where there was plenty of sun. I also remember there was a lot of wind but that was when I was doing my pattern work and learning how to land with a cross wind.

As my instructor told me, "If you're gonna learn how to fly, New England is the place to do it. You'll learn how to fly in all kinds of wind and weather. Those folks out in Arizona, they fly in calm winds on sunny days. Where's the fun in that!"

I'm hoping the February and March are better than January and I get some flight time in. So far this month I've only managed to fly for one hour with only one landing. My plan for the next time I go up is to do some pattern work and maintain my landing skills as best I can. I also want to take a trip to Westfield to practice landing in a tower controlled environment.

Landing at a towered airport is different than landing at a non-towered airport so the more I do it, the easier it is to do. It's not that it's harder to land, it's just a little confusing talking to the ATC and then following what they ask you to do.

So we have a new president and I just want to remind all of you of one of my famous sayings:
    Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
I know a lot of my LEO friends and relatives are going to be very happy to see someone in office that at least recognizes their efforts and sacrifices. Lets face it, cops have been accused of being everything but good over the last eight years and none of them has felt like there was any support.

While I'm sure that the new administration will be more supportive of law enforcement, it's not the federal government that needs to support them, it's state and local government that needs to support them.

As for the rest of us, I'm betting that this guy can't possibly screw things up any worse than the previous guy. It's been a weird eight years and I'm thinking any change is going to be a good thing.

Then again, this might all go to shit and we end up in a world of hurt.

Either way, we'll always have beer....

While I turn off the All-Donald-Trump-Channel and find a nice DVR show to watch, you can click on these links;

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