Tuesday, March 28, 2017

I still have paste on my walls.

I talked to a friend yesterday about removing wallpaper paste and he recommended plain old elbow grease. I squeezed my elbow as hard as I could but I failed to get any grease out of it.

My wife talked to some folks and they recommended a product called TSP (TriSodiumPhosphate).

I read up on it and all of the folks writing about it said it would work well. There were, however, a few caveats: Don't get it on your skin or in your eyes. Oh, and don't get it on any bare metal. Oh, and protect your floors with rosin paper and plastic sheets. Oh, and you'll still have to scrub/scrape the walls.

So I went to Home Depot, bought some rosin paper, a few plastic drop clothes and some TSP. I went home, put on some rubber gloves and a long sleeve shirt. Then I mixed the stuff up as directed and proceeded to spend a few hours scrubbing and scraping.

Guess what? There is still paste/sizing on the walls.

Next up will be trying the streamer. At least with that thing I won't have to worry about caustic burns or dissolving anything made of metal.

Something tells me this is going to be a long project.

For the record, I make damned good french fries:

Just sayin'....

While I watch the Red Sox play the Pirates, you can visit these:

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