Friday, March 24, 2017

Remember those ice dams we all had several years ago?

Well I'm still suffering those damned ice dams.

I had a couple of spots on my bedroom ceiling caused by those freakin' ice dams. At the time, I let them dry, treated them with some Kilz and finally some ceiling paint.

Today I started my work on our bedroom project and noticed that both of the spots seemed to be a little different compared to the rest of the ceiling. The paint I applied was just a little different and they weren't quite right.

I took a scraper and started scraping the paint off one of the spots. The paint flaked off pretty easily and I ran a thin skin of plaster over the drywall in preparation for applying some ceiling "popcorn" spray.

The second spot, however, wasn't fine. It wasn't fine at all.

I touched it with my finger and quickly discovered that it was just a layer of dry paint. There was no drywall whatsoever and my finger went clean through it.

After picking at it for a bit, it wasn't long before I was left with a hole about two inches in size.

Since I'm pretty sure my wife does not want to look up into the attic, I had to do something about that hole.

I applied an edging of plaster that brought the hole down to less than one inch in size. Once the plaster dries and I check to be sure it's solidly adhered to the edge of the hole, I'll apply some more plaster to close it off completely. Then it will hopefully be a matter of applying a thin skin to smooth it, followed by some fine sanding to finish it and then the ceiling spray.

After those two spots are ready, I can paint the entire ceiling and start stripping wallpaper.

The Red Sox played the rays this afternoon and it wa carried by the MLB network.

They managed to lose to the Rays but that's okay because we've reached that part of spring training where "the kids" are being played by the manager so he can figure out who to put on the 40-man roster.

The regular guys on the 25-man roster are playing fill-in games just to make sure they are ready for the season opener on April 3rd.

While I pray that my plaster repair holds and dries completely by tomorrow morning, you can visit these links:

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