Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Data salvation is at hand

Johns brother, Dave, called me a couple of weeks ago and said his computer suddenly stopped working. It won't turn on, one small light comes one but nothing else happens. I asked him what OS he was running and he said, "Vista". I then asked him how old the computer was and he said, "I dunno. Maybe 10 years."

I told him he got his money's worth out of it and to go buy a new one. This caused him to get very concerned because his work (he's an architect) was stored on the hard drive and he had no backup.

He brought the computer over, I pulled the hard drive and that evening, I plugged it into a sata to usb gadget that belongs to Pat. (Yes Pat, I still have that. One of these days, I need to give it back to you)

The drive spun up nicely and I was able to see that it had plenty of data on it. I called Dave and told him to buy himself an external case and let me know when he's got it.

Dave showed up today with his shiny new case, I put his hard drive into it and plugged it into his laptop. All his work files data where in place and after some tedious searching, we were able to find his Outlook .pst file

He was a very happy guy. If he had lost all his work, he would have been screwed. And finding his .pst file means he has all his contacts and his emails.

Now as long as he doesn't do something bad like delete the files from the hard drive before copying them onto his laptop, he should be all set.

In other news, our 12 year old dehumidifier died last month and I finally got around to buying a new one. After I got it running, I decided to do a little interwebbing on the old one to see if maybe it was a problem I could repair.

Turns out the old one had a recall on it because it was a fire hazard! I also discovered that the recall was for either a prorated cash reimbursement or a replacement with a smaller unit.

So now that I have a dehumidifier running in my basement, I think I'll take the cash. When all is said and done, once I receive the cash, my new dehumidifier will have cost me all of $30.00.

Sometimes you're the bug, sometimes you're the windshield.

Now that my good deed for the day is done and my basement is getting less musty, I'm going to eat some dinner, watch some baseball and fall asleep early.

Here are some links:

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