Sunday, June 28, 2020

The bathroom is almost complete.

I have two things left to do:

1) I need to touch up the ceiling.
While I was rolling the second coat on the walls this morning, I managed to touch the ceiling with the roller. Now there is a brown spot on the ceiling and I don't feel like getting the ceiling paint out and touching it up.

2) I need to fix the exhaust fan.
While I was working today, I turned the exhaust fan on and was greeted with an annoying rumble and very little air movement. That means something is amiss with the bearings or shaft. I'll be taking that apart in the next few days and figuring out what it needs.

Or buying a new one to replace it.

I would have liked to see some rain today. Despite the warnings this morning from the weather dweebs of thunderstorms, all we got was a light sprinkle that lasted all of 2 minutes.

We need a lot more rain than we got yesterday and we need it to happen over several days. I would like it to rain for at least one hour every day for a week.

If it does that, we will start to see our lawns sprout new growth and begin to turn green.

No baseball and no hockey today but I do have many DVRs to watch.
(added note post-publication: I stand corrected. There is indeed baseball and hockey tonight)

While I enjoy a few hours of How The Universe Works, you can enjoy these:

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