Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Two air conditioners are in

I have one upstairs and one downstairs which isn't enough if it gets really bad but it's enough for the next few days/weeks. The problem will come if we have a heat wave that sucks the cool right out of the house.

So far there are no heat waves in the forecast.

We brought my daughter's car to the shop for some periodic maintenance so I am without a car tomorrow

All things considered, being without a car is no big deal because it's not like I have anywhere to go...

Speaking of my daughter; I can't help bu notice that her and the other veterinarian she works for spend way too much time having fun with their patients:
As the old saying goes: Find a way to get paid to do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life.

Here are some links that you might just find enjoyable:

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