Friday, June 26, 2020

More painting

Despite the fact I do not like painting, I end up doing it. Today was a refresher coat on the walls of our master bath and a coat of urethane on some woodwork that is suffering the ravages of being located in a small humid bathroom.

Next week I'll be painting the other second floor bathroom but this won't be a refresher coat. This will be a complete color change. That means taping all the edges and doing the full trim work.

I might have to get more masking tape.


I'm trying to get ahold of Willie to confirm his retirement. Pat supplied me with an ancient email address (it's an address fer cripes sake) so I sent a message to it.

If I hear back from him, I will alert the media.

I'm going to watch a one year old hockey game and a two year old baseball game. While I do that, you can click on these:

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