Thursday, June 4, 2020

There is nothing more entertaining than a public shit-show

Four years ago, Donald "I was the greatest New York slumlord ever!" Trump gave a speech where he announced he was nominating General James Mattis to the cabinet position Secretary of Defense. In that speech, Donald "I had the biggest, bestest inauguration ever!" Trump called Mattis, "The living embodiment of the Marine Corp Motto 'Semper Fidelis', Always Faithful.".

The other day, Donald "I know more about every thing then everyone else, ever!" Trump said, "If a city or state refuses to take the actions necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then I will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them."

The problem with that statement is that it is illegal for the federal government to deploy the military (army or air force) against US citizens to enforce laws.

Well, Mattis, who seems to be highly respected by his peers and anyone who served under him, came out the other day and said, "I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution. Never did I dream that troops taking that same oath would be ordered under any circumstance to violate the Constitutional rights of their fellow citizens—much less to provide a bizarre photo op for the elected commander-in-chief, with military leadership standing alongside."

This caused Donald "No one has ever done a better job as president than me!" Trump to say, "Probably the only thing Barack Obama and I have in common is that we both had the honor of firing Jim Mattis, the world's most overrated General."

Taken in one big bite, that is a mouthful. Try taking it all in smaller bites:
  1. Trump used to love Mattis
  2. Trump thinks the Constitution is a guideline.
  3. Mattis thinks Trump may be a danger to the Constitution.
  4. Trump hates Mattis.
Here's what I think - If Donald "I can too do it! You just watch and see, I can do anything!" Trump doesn't reign in his ego a bit, we are going to have an issue. A big issue. A constitutional issue.

I also think that if Crazy Uncle Joe Biden doesn't get his shit together and start acting like he cares about the silent majority, he won't beat Trump and Trump will win another four years.

If you think his ego is out of control now, wait until he wins reelection....

I'm going to watch some old-time hockey and then game 3 of the 2007 world series.

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