Tuesday, June 2, 2020

People look for things to protest.

George Floyd was murdered. His murderer was arrested. He will be tried in court and his guilt/innocence will be determined by a jury of his peers.

All of the skinny white girls that are spraypainting "BLM" and "F*** the Police" on the walls of the local Starbucks are there because it makes them feel good, not because they give two shits about George Floyd. They are doing it for the attention they get. They go home and tell their friends, "That was me! I did that that! Isn't it great that I made a statement for the black man!"

No honeybunch, it's not great. It sucks. Stay home and let the adult voices be heard.

Let the people that are using their right to petition the government for a redress of grievances be heard.

Time for some weekly blog stats:

Chrome still dominates the browsers but Firefox is right behind it. Windows still dominates the operating systems and that is probably not going to change any time soon.

Tonight's baseball game is game 1 of the 2007 World Series between the Red Sox and the Rockies.

Spoiler alert: The Red Sox win. As a matter of fact, my elderly brain remembers that the Red Sox sweep the Rockies and win the World Series in four games.

I'm going to watch the 30 year old hockey game and then the 13 year old World Series. While I do that, you all can do these:

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