Saturday, June 20, 2020

The AC is running

I held off for as long as I could but around 1:00 this afternoon, my wife and daughter said, "It's time. If we're hot, you must be dying." I wasn't really dying but I was uncomfortable.

Right now I'm nice and comfy. And who knows, maybe we'll all be able to sleep tonight!

Today is our summer solstice, the longest period of daylight for the year. From now until December 21st, our days will get shorter and our nights will get longer.

So hey, we got that going for us.

Phase 2, Step 2.... What the hell does that mean?

Bars are still closed but restaurants can begin to offer indoor seating. Sophias Pizzeria, my buddy Tommy's place, is a restaurant and bar combined together.

Here's my question: If the bar is closed, can we go in, sit at a table, and order adult beverages like we used to? Or do we need to order up a small pizza so we can pretend we are dinning while we consume our beverages?

Just asking for a friend.

My wife is making BBQ spare ribs. I like BBQ spare ribs.

The baseball game and the hockey game for this evening are both only 2 years old. That's practically "live" considering some of the 20-30 year old games they've been running.

While I watch those games, you can enjoy these links:

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