Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Let the finger pointing begin

Today was the first day of the senate hearings on, "What the hell happened on January 6th and who can we blame!"

I've been reading a lot of news stories and so far it's a lot like Joliet Jake Blues explaining to the character played by Carrie Fisher why he stood her up at the alter. In other words, this whole thing is an incredible waste of time. We aren't going to learn anything and the current scapegoats, both sergeants-at-arms & the Capitol police chief, will take the fall for this no matter what anyone says.

The motto of our elected officials should be, "Whenever something goes wrong, blame the other guy."

Someone has made it their life work to hack my Amazon account and it's kinda interesting to watch them.

This all started last week when someone was able to log into my Amazon and order a "gift". Since I receive an email for any purchases made, I immediately canceled the order and my wife notified our credit card company who issued us new cards.

My best guess is the individual was able to gain access using the Amazon password recovery process. Since I did not have 2factor turned on (it's on now), they were able to reset the password and gain access.

So now that I have 2factor turned on, I get at least three notices a day from Amazon of someone trying to reset the password. I also get four or five emails a day claiming to be from Amazon telling me my account has been hacked and I need to "click here to reset your password".

I can see the frustration level building with this individual because he/she figures once they got in, they were good to go. By shutting them off, I appear to have touched a nerve.

By the way, if you don't have 2factor turned on for your Amazon account, you really should do that.

No sports tonight so I guess I'll be watching Gold Rush DVRs.

While I do that, you can do these:

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