Monday, August 21, 2023

Yea, he was pretty bad

Umpire Scorecards posted their analysis of home plate umpire Junior Valentine from yesterday's Red Sox / Yankees game and like I said, he was awful.
If you look at the strike zone you will notice a green dot in what is almost the middle of the zone. That is a "strike three" that Valentine decided to a ball. It was so much a strike three that the hitter actually walked out of the batters box and took five or six steps to go back to his dugout. Once he realized the ump had called it a ball he had to do an awkward about-face to get back into the batter box.

And if you look at the pink blob in that same area, that is a representation of Valentine's unique strike zone.

You will also see that he was not consistent across the two teams. As a matter of fact, the analysis indicates that his strike/ball calling resulted in one run for the Yankees.

If the Red Sox had lost that game, they would have had every right to register a complaint with the league.

He was awful.

Anyways, this is todays wild card standings:
What the Red Sox need is for the Astros & the Yankees to keep on losing games and for the Mariners & the Blue Jays to start losing games. They particularly need the Astros to keep losing games because the Red Sox are about to start a four-game series against them.

They are very close to earning a playoff spot.

I'm disappointed. I was kinda looking forward to the "Donald Trump MAGA Jerk-Off and Bullshit Emporium Show that was going to be held today.

Guess I'll just have to get my entertainment from his social thingee:
He reminds of the bully from A Christmas Story, Scut Farkus.

All of my bushes have been trimmed. I can put that job away until next spring when I will have to cut them back again.

I'm going to see if I can watch at least five innings of baseball. If they are playing at a decent pace, maybe I'll be able to watch all nine innings.

While I do that, you can peruse these links:

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