Thursday, January 18, 2024

It's a bit chilly

I'm pretty sure it didn't get much warmer than 25 today and my driveway is not melting.

Well, it is melting but just a little. As a matter of fact, it's melting just enough to put a nice layer of water on top of the ice, making it even more slippery than it normally is.

And with another inch of snow predicted for tomorrow, I'm think about getting my ice skates out and just using my driveway as a skating rink.

Trump keeps saying that everything is rigged against him

My favorite from him is this one:

Not only is it in all capital letters, he even goes so far as to say, "EVEN EVENTS THAT 'CROSS THE LINE' MUST FALL UNDER TOTAL IMMUNITY".

Does that mean that in Trump's world, if the president takes a gun and shoots the secretary of labor in the head, the president is immune from prosecution?

Here are today's links:

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