Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Short post today

In anticipation of the government taking all my money, I installed the new tax software and ran it through it's update process. While it was updating, I realized that I hadn't done a backup of my laptop in at least a year.

This is bad. Very, very bad.

Computers break and when they do, you will more than likely lose all of the data on the hard drive. Without a recent backup, I would be screwed if my machine decided to take a permanent vacation.

This is particularly stupid on my part since I have terabytes of network storage at my house and backing up my important stuff is simply a matter of dragging the folders from one drive to another and letting the machine copy the data onto the backup.

Once I got done with the backups, I decided it might be time to do a little housecleaning. I'm pretty sure I don't need shit like the 4 gigabytes of video and photos taken at the Eastern States Exposition three years ago...

All of that adds up to me spending a lot of time going through my stuff and deleting a lot of it from my laptop. Having a full backup of stuff also lowers the stress associated with deleting stuff because if, in the future, I decide I really do need the pictures of the llamas and cows, I can copy them off the backup.

Here are a few links to carry you through:

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