Sunday, January 28, 2024

It's a football kind of day

There was some golf mixed in with my football viewing because, well, it's golf. It's an interesting match with the "K" girls playing some pretty damned good golf. Ko is currently in the lead but Korda and Khang are hot on her heels.

But for the most part, I'm watching football.

The AFC game started at 3:00 this afternoon with the Chiefs in Baltimore to play the Ravens. It's been an interesting game with both teams fired up to the point where almost every play ends with a lot of pushing and shouting between the players.

As a matter of fact, the fighting started before the game did when the Ravens kicker put all his gear in the end zone where the Chiefs were doing their pregame work. The Chiefs players started tossing the gear off to the side and this caused a lot of shoving, slapping, punching and generally bad behavior on everyones part.

So anyways, that game is currently in the third quarter and the Chiefs are up 17-7.

In addition to football, today was tax day.

Neither my wife nor myself are tax accountants but we have been doing our own taxes for at least 20 years now. It started when the guy we had doing our taxes decided to retire and he sold his business to one of the chain joints.

I took our information over to them and sat there while this guy basically entered everything into a tax software that looked an awful lot like TurboTax. That was when I decided that I didn't need to pay someone to fill out a form on a computer. Ever since then, we've been doing it ourselves.

Every year, we buy TurboTax, create a new folder and, once we have all the proper paperwork, we sit down and enter everything. Never once have we had a situation that I said to myself, "Hmm. That's weird."

This year, we have a situation.

It seems that several years ago, one of my investment accounts took a small capital loss. Massachusetts allows you to carryover a loss to be used against any future capital gains and since I haven't sold any investments lately, I have had no capital gains to apply the loss against. Too be honest with you, I don't remember this loss but TurboTax does and it insists on filling out a "Schedule D" and filing it with my state taxes.

The problem is, the state has not yet approved the Schedule D that TurboTax is using so we are unable to file.

Hopefully things get approved soon and we can put this behind us.

I have dinner to make and more football to watch.

You have links to look at:

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