Thursday, January 4, 2024

We woke up to snow

Not much snow, just a coating. Not enough to alarm my uncle out in Pittsburgh. He calls me to make sure we are all okay out here when the talking heads on the national news tell the world that New England has been devestated by [insert weather here].

This weekend however, might be a different story. They are talking about the first plowable snowfall of the season and whenever that happens, we get to enjoy all those people who are afraid to drive in the snow who never-the-less go out and drive anyways.

Trust me people, if you are afraid to drive in the snow, don't drive in it. Stay home and let the rest of us get to where we have to go without trying to figure out how to get around the line of 15 cars backed up behind some q-tip in an 1997 Oldsmobile Cutlass going 10 mph.

For the love of God, just stay home. Trust me, despite what all the talking heads say, you don't need to stock up on batteries, milk and bread.

The courts have released all the documents that were presented in the law suit against the estate of the late Jeffrey Epstein.

Here's what I know: The only thing those documents contain is a bunch of accusations. No evidence or facts. They basically say things like, "He was a friend of Epstein" or "He visited Epstein" or "No, I never met him".

All you people that were sitting around waiting for something that proved Trump and/or Clinton were molesting little girls can go back to formulating your next great conspiracy theory because that one is over and done with.

The Bruins are playing this evening so I'm all set for entertainment.

Here are some links that you can look at:

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