Saturday, April 27, 2013

Blinds, shades, treatments....

There are more names for that thing we use to cover our windows and I am deep in them.

My house faces east/west. This means that in the morning, sunlight is blasting into my front window and in the afternoon, it's blasting into my back windows. I like the sun but when it's shining directly in your eyes while you are trying to eat or watch television, it's a pain in the ass.

I have been draping an old towel over the my family room windows but, as you can well imagine, that has been something that my wife doesn't really approve of. After looking at it for a while, she announced today that, dammit, we were going to buy some new window shades.

We ended up at Lowes looking at billions and billions of different types of things that can be used to block the sun in your window. We settled on a nice shade that she was happy with. It doesn't really block the sun entirely, it kind of "fuzzes" it just enough so it's not overly annoying.

We got home and I set about putting these new shades up.

I quickly discovered that I must be a retard because the instructions said, "Installation time: 15 minutes". I spent an hour putting the first one up, 40 minutes putting the second one up, 30 minutes putting the third on up and another 30 minutes putting the fourth one up.

If you're good at math you'll find that it took me two hours and forty minutes to install four shades.

Oh, and did I mention that my back hurts...


You can try out these links while I watch the Red Sox:

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