Monday, April 1, 2013

Everyone is safe and sound.

All three of our offspring are once again safely back at their respective institutions of higher education getting their higher educations.

Well, actually, not all three. Only two of them are getting higher educated.

Our eldest has finished with his educational processes and is currently busy putting together his resume and CV, studying for the board exams he will be taking after he graduates and getting some paying hours in at the hospital.


Bureaucrats are all around me and some of them are petty little bureaucrats. And by petty I mean they provide no service other than to record the service being provided.

Imagine going into a store and purchasing a loaf of bread but before you can pay for it, you have to fill out a form indicating why you need the bread (hunger) how you will use the bread (sandwiches, toast, feeding the ducks, etc...) and when you will use the bread (breakfast, lunch, dinner, between-meal-snacks, etc...)

That is what I deal with on a pretty regular basis - petty bureaucrats and their silly forms that bring nothing of value to the process other than keeping the petty bureaucrats employed stamping and approving forms.


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