Monday, April 8, 2013

I need to hit the lottery.

This working thing is getting in the way of my living thing and I need to change that. It seems to me the best way to change it is to become independantly wealthy.

Or at least very well-off.


Did someone shoot all the spammers?

For the last year, I've been getting at least 20 spam emails a day. All of a sudden, in the last week, my spam emails have fallen to 1 or 2 a day. This is a significant, and happy, drop off.

At least I no longer have to worry about all those christian singles in my area looking for me or the $27million USDollars that was left behind when the owner of the large oil firm was killed and now the secretary to the supreme chief banking administrator from Uganda is trying to get out of the country and into my bank account.


Yes, the Red Sox won today. No, I did not get to watch the game. It was a day game and what with me having a job and all, I find it hard to watch day baseball games.

Oh, and since I work in a giant steel and brick building, I don't get any radio reception so that's out of the question.


Here are some links you might find news-worthy:

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