Thursday, April 25, 2013

This just gets better and better.

I realize that the Boston Herald is a rag and it has a tendency to sensationalize everything but they have done some pretty damned good investigative journalism over the years. They were the ones that first broke the news about the Probation Department scandal.

It seems that whenever they catch a whiff of some government agency that is not working in the best interest of the public, they tend to dig and dig until someone, somewhere, finally tosses them some information. Based on that history, I'm beginning to wonder if maybe, just maybe, there is some kind of state government cover-up in play here.

I understand about the right to privacy and I'm not entirely certain that the government telling us that the son-of-a-bitch used our money to blow us up is going to help anyone. What I am more concerned about and would really like to ask our esteemed governor and his administration, are these three questions:
  1. Are you comparing the list of all welfare recipients to the FBI/CIA/Homeland Security watch lists?
  2. Is there anyone else receiving my tax dollars who is also a potential terrorist?
  3. Can you assure me that no one else will use my tax dollars to try and blow me up?
I have a right to know if my tax dollars are being used to fund terrorist activities because if they are, I'm going to stop paying my state taxes.

I flat out refuse to fund terrorist activities.


Here are some links:

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