Saturday, April 20, 2013

Please allow me to piss some people off.

Now that things have settled a bit for the people of Boston, it's time for me to ask the important question:

All that aside, I would like to point out that the second murderer was a 19 year old kid.

I have raised two children into their 20's and I have a third who is currently 18, soon to be 19. This means I have a certain understanding of what thoughts are going on inside head of a 19 year old kid and I can tell you that, for the most part, very little is going on in their head. Particularly in the head of a 19 year old boy.

They are easily lead by friends and celebrities. They will dress the way their favorite singer dresses. They will behave the way their favorite actor behaves.They will do stupid things because the group they are currently hanging out with thinks it would be cool to do it.

In other words, I'm saying that this 19 year old kid probably has no ideological beliefs, he probably has no deeply ingrained hatred of anyone in particular and he probably doesn't belong to any "sleeper cell". He's probably just a kid who worshiped the ground his older brother walked on and followed him into the gates of hell.

Then again, maybe alqueda does have something to do with this kid and he's nothing more than piece of shit who deserves to be executed by being burned at the stake while rats gnaw on his eyeballs.


Yes, I heard the David Ortiz speech.

Yes I saw Tom Carron point out the "tweet" from Julius at the FCC about how Ortiz gets a pass.

Yes, I know who Julius at the FCC is.

He said it, let's move on.


Some of you have already seen this but most of you haven't.

When I drive to work, I always drive through a section of Stony Hill Rd. known as the "S-curves" and I usually see a large heron standing in the South Branch of the Mill River just after the stream passes under the road. I always thought to myself, one of these days, I need to park my car and take a picture of that heron.

At 6:30 am last Thursday, as I made my turn onto Stony Hill, I realized it was a nice sunny day and I decided that today I would stop and take a picture of the heron.

I started to drive into the S-curves and I looked for the heron. I didn't see him but I figured maybe he was a bit further upstream so I parked my car and started to walk towards the stream.

That was when I spotted the reason why the heron wasn't around:

I realize it's a really bad picture but in case you can't figure it out, it's a bald eagle sitting in a tree. It's a bald eagle sitting in a tree in freakin' Wilbraham! It's a bald eagle sitting in a tree in Wilbraham about a mile from my freakin' house!

You gotta love living in this town.


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