Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Nothing new.

There really is no new information coming out of Boston and that is to be expected. A major breakthrough not withstanding, this is going to be a long investigation. They are going to be sifting through massive amounts of information and evidence looking for that one thing that will tell them what they need to know.

The FBI is asking for anyone that might have been at the marathon with a camera to please contact them. Here's the link to the website where they have provided a toll free number to contact them if you have any images taken before, during and after the marathon. They are hoping that someone may have recorded something that will help them identify who did this.


Before the whole Exploding-Boston thing came up yesterday, I had a rant prepared about the current state of our news media. In retrospect, it all seemed kind of trivial so I didn't post it. Today, after re-reading it, I think it's still appropriate and I've decided to post it.

So with no further adieu, here is my humble opinion on the current state of the news media in this country:


See if you can follow my thought process on why I think the media is doing it's best to ignore news and drive public opinion in the direction the current administration wants it to go:

Lately, all of the major news outlets have spent a lot of time publishing stories about people killed by guns and how guns are bad and we should ban certain types of guns. And when I say a lot of time, I mean like every day of the week, twice a day, they talk about "gun violence" and what congress should be doing about it. They are producing and running multi-day series about the subject.

Series with titles like

Those "news stories" are all designed to convince the American people that the root of all evil is the gun and if we get rid of guns, we will no longer have to fear for our lives.

Yet when something like this happens, they ignore it.

And do you know how I know that they ignore it? Well it's quite simple really - I searched their websites for the story.

Here are the searches of each website for the words fayetteville "home invasion":

Why is it that a news story about a homeowner using a firearm against bad people who invaded his home at 3:30am only appears on the local news station and on FOX? Why would NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN all ignore the story? They certainly don't have any problem over-reporting every other story that involves violence and firearms.

Is it because this story flies in the face of Billionaire Bloomberg's desire to ignore the constitution and impliment gun control beyond a meaningful level? Is that why they ignored that story?

And here's another problem I have with network news - they sensationalize everything.

Read this headline but don't read the story. Think about the headline for a minute and imagine the scene in your mind, then go read the story.

Does the story match what you thought? I know it didn't match what I thought. It didn't match what I imagined because they opted to leave one word out of the headline. A very important and descriptive word that changes the entire tone of the story.

That, my friends, is pisspoor reporting and they should be ashamed of themselves.

And by the way, I don't watch or read FOX news. Never have, never will. It is just as single-minded and corrupt as the other network news outlets.

Just as CBS, ABC and NBC are nothing more than mouthpieces for the arrogant foolhardy liberals, FOX is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the brain-damaged fanatical conservatives.

As for CNN, well I'm not certain what is wrong with CNN but I do know they sure like to beat the daylights out of a good old fashioned California car chase. If there is a car chase going on anywhere in California, you can bet that CNN will have a helicopter with a camera following it from start to finish.


In addition to all of the links I presented above, I want to present these to you as well:

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