Thursday, May 28, 2020


What follows is a list of things that annoy me:

  • A Saran Wrap cutting edge that is so dull the plastic wrap tears in your hand before the blade actually cuts it.
  • Nesting robins that think anything within 100 yards of their nest is a threat and they make it their life work to verbally assault the intruder.
  • The constant media reminder that "We are all in this together!" No, we are not. We are in it by ourselves. How you perceive and deal with the threat of 'rona is different than the way me and my family deal with it.
  • The nightly 'rona body count.
  • They are playing baseball in Korea but not in America.
  • My hair has not been this long since the early 90s.
  • Drivers that habitually drive 5 mph below the speed limit. GET OFF THE ROAD fer cripes sake.
  • People that think everything bad is [insert name of politician you disagree with] fault and everything good is because of [insert name of politician you agree with]. You all need to recognize that your politician is just as self-centered and arrogant as the other guys politician.
  • Speaking of annoying politicians: Joe Kennedy's commercial is beyond annoying. The only political ad he should run should say, "I'm Joe Kennedy and I was born with $20 million in the bank. I have no idea what it's like to work or struggle. Vote for me if you want yet another self-centered, arrogant person. who knows what is best for you."
  • Car alarms that are so sensitive the wind can set them off.

I think that's enough annoyances for now.

The gardens are looking pretty damned good.

Two of the bushes that got moved are showing signs that some parts or dying and other parts are going to be just fine. I put one of them at 50% dead, 50% alive. The other one is 20% dead and 80% alive.

She has a stretch of maybe 75 feet left to do along the side of the garage and the back fence. Fortunately, I don't think she'll need to move anything, just clean out the weeds and turn the dirt.

We really need to get some peat moss and mix it into the dirt because the dirt is just dirt, very little organic. By mixing in the peat, the dirt will become soil and it will retain moisture.

Plants like moisture.

Speaking of plants, I never created a video that shows my grass growing but I do have a before and after picture:

I am not yet unhappy but I suspect I will be unhappy soon. That green grass is actually hiding a large crop of crab grass and I know that at some point in the next month, the grass will be overwhelmed.

Oh well, I'll just keep trying.

And for the record, the stick in the middle is a plant hanger. Not sure if she'll hang any plants on it but she wants it there so there it stays.

Tonight's baseball game is game 1 of the 2007 ALCS between the Indians and the Red Sox. I remember that series. It went the full seven games and both teams played some great baseball.

Right now, I'm going to watch a little hockey and figure out what I want for dinner. You can click on these if you want:

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