Monday, May 4, 2020

Pretty sure the new boss is going to work out okay

Once this whole Wuhan Boogaloo thing thins out a bit and we all start returning to work, I'll be doing about 20% of my time working from home. With a cut in hours, I'm only going to be on campus 3 days a week and those three days will be 5 or 6 hours long. The rest of my time will be working at home.

Not a bad gig. I feel like I'm easing into retirement.

Now if the market will start cooperating again and kick my investments back into high gear....

I'm going to keep saying that I need to mow my lawn again while I still can because I know that come August, I'm going to be bitching about how brown and dead my lawn is.

Speaking of grass, I found a way to make a timelapse movie of my daily grass growing pictures.

I did a quick test and it looks like crap but that's because 1) I didn't align the camera with a single point so the pictures dance around and 2) I suck at using movie making software.

Maybe I'll have it done in a week or so. If I can't get the pictures to align correctly, I won't publish it because I don't want to be responsible for giving any of you a seizure.

Last fall we planted a Horse Chestnut tree in our side yard:

My daughter said, "Wait until those chestnuts start falling in your yard. You're gonna hate them." Well, I think we're about to find out if she is right:

I have a cordless electric Black & Decker weed whacker for whacking my weeds. It's about 5 or 6 years old and the NiCad battery packs have finally reached the point where they no longer provide enough juice to do the job.

Now I paid about $40.00 for this whacker and it came with two 18volt battery packs. When I discovered that replacement battery packs cost $70 each, I damned near had a coronary. When I discovered that buying a new whacker would also cost around $70 but with only one battery pack, I said, "Screw that."

I did a little research and found a 18volt NiCad battery pack at Harbor Freight for $12.00 and said to myself, "Self, you are a handy guy. I'm betting you can gut both battery packs and put the Harbor Freight batteries into the Black & Decker shell and, presto-chango, you've got new battery packs that didn't cost you more than buying a new whacker."

So that's my plan.

I'll let you know how it goes.

Here are today's links:

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