Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Not a lot to talk about.

I'm about done with talking about the Wuhan Boogaloo and this whole quarantine thing. We get enough of that crap from the media. The nightly body counts are getting more than a little morbid and the lack of factual information is frustrating.

Here is some factual information for you:
  • I hope you are all doing well and I really hope none of you get sick.
Here is some more factual information for you:
  • According to the Covid-19 website, there have been 4,420 deaths from Coronavirus.
  • According to MassDOT, there were 4,561 deaths from traffic accidents in 2019.
  • According to the Boston Globe, MassLive and WBUR, there were 7,440 deaths from medical errors in 2019
By the way, those 4,420 covid deaths come from 72,025 confirmed cases. That's about a 6% death rate. The 7,440 deaths come from 62,000 medical errors. That represents a 12% death rate.

Interpret those numbers anyway you want. As for me, I can't help but notice that we are all up in arms about the virus but not about the medical errors.

Enjoy these links:

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