Tuesday, May 12, 2020

I feel old

I found out today that George Thorogood is 70 years old.

Holy crap, when the hell did this happen?

I have some observations and requests

We have diluted the meaning of the word "heroes" to the point where it no longer has any meaning.

When we start calling the kid who bags my groceries for me a "hero", we are belittling all the people who have done something truly heroic.

Stop it.

Also, I would like to formally request that politicians and the media stop using the phrase, "new normal". It has no meaning, it provides no information and it's being overused more than the phrase "heroes".

Stop it.

My wife, my daughter and the Small Dog are currently in Indiana and will all hopefully arrive safely in Sandusky, Ohio in the next few hours. Once there, they will get some food, get a good night's sleep and finally get a good breakfast in the morning before hitting the road for home.

I am the guy anxiously awaiting their arrival.

Tonight's baseball game is from August 29, 2000 when the Red Sox went to Tampa to play the Rays. For the record, the Rays were still called "The Devil Rays" back then and they really sucked.

While I watch some of that game, you can click on these:

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