Monday, December 14, 2020

It is now official

When the founders of the United States sat down to create the laws, rules, regulations, etc.. that govern us as a nation, they ended up creating a federation. They decided that the federal government had only a few jobs:
  • The common defense of the nation.
  • Regulating commerce between the states.
  • Forming pacts and treaties with foreign governments.
  • Declaring war
  • Minting money
There are a few others but those are the big hitters.

They held this belief that the federal government should be subordinate so strongly that they actually created a specific amendment to address any future issues that arise. It's the tenth amendment and it says:
    The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
They did this because they wanted the states to retain a high level of autonomy. They wanted each state to govern its people they way the people wanted to be governed and if someone in a state was unhappy with the way they were being governed, they could move to another state. For instance, if I didn't like living in Massachusetts because the state government spends my tax money on things I don't like, I can move to New Hampshire where they are a lot more frugal with their tax dollars.

Another thing they did to assure that the federal government remained subordinate to the states was they created a way for the states to elect the president. They called it the electoral college and they gave the states control of their electors. This way, if a president started acting like a king, the states could fire him by voting in someone else.

Today, the states spoke and they officially elected Joe "I'm old and sometimes I say dumb things" Biden as the 46th President of the United States.

Now we get to watch the hillarity that will be Trump refusing to admit defeat. It will be extra funny if he refuses to move out of the White House on January 20th. We will also get to watch Biden bumble around and screw things up when he gets confused by a shiny object.

There is an old Chinese curse that says: May you live in interesting times

My friends, we live in interesting time.

There is a storm heading our way and the weather dweebs are unsure how much snow we are going to get.

I've heard anywhere from 1 to 14 inches starting Wednesday night into Thursday morning.

Thank goodness the weather service spent billions of dollars on new super-computers so they could narrow those predictions down.

I'm getting pretty sick and tired of hearing about the covid vaccine "rolling out".

Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that people like you and me won't see this vaccine until sometime in April or May.

Keep on keeping on folks. There is a light at the end of the tunnel but it's a pretty long tunnel and the light is kinda dim.

I will not be watching football tonight because I'm tired and I will be going to bed early instead of falling asleep on my couch.

Who am I kidding. I'll put the game on and fall asleep on my couch like I always do.

The Steelers lost last night, giving them a 11-2 record. Not the best record in the NFL but pretty damned close. The Chiefs have the best record at 12-1.

The Patriots record is 6-7 which sucks but at least they aren't the Jets who are currently 0-13.

While I watch the Ravens play the Browns, or maybe I'll watch some Good Eats! reruns, you can click on these:

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