Saturday, December 5, 2020

We got 2 inches, if that

They kept predicting 3-6 inches but we ended up with about an inch, maybe two.

But I will tell you, that shit was heavy. I started pushing it off with the shovel but my old back did not like that at all and I ended up using the snowblower. Trust me, the snowblower wasn't too crazy about it either.

John, who lives around 5 to 7 miles away from me got about eight inches so it sucks to be him.

Now it can freeze and I don't have to worry about it.

I've been informed that the Christmas decorating is almost done. I understand that all that is left is the main tree. The secondary backup tree is all decorated:

For the record, we have cats that love the trees. They climb them and bat at the ornaments. As a result of thier desire to play with things, there are no breakable ornaments and we fully expect to lose some of the ornaments that are on the trees.

Oh well, that's what living with cats is like. That and they like to purr in my ear.

Okay, it's late and I'm gonna look for some links.

Here they are:

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