Thursday, December 3, 2020

Still undefeated

The Steelers, or, as my Pittsburgh relatives call them, "The Stil'rs", are still undefeated. They beat the Ravens yesterday and now have a 11-0 record.

As for the Patriots, they are 5-6 and their next game is against the Chargers, who are currently 3-8. I'm hoping the Patriots win that game and move to 6-6. They haven't been below .500 since the early 2000s so seeing them sub-500 is not an easy thing for a Patriots fan to see.

Let's face it, us Patriots fans have been a little spoiled over the last 15-20 years...

I found this for you. I think it pretty much sums up the year 2020.

I'm going to feed the creatures and then figure out something for dinner for us humans.

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