Sunday, December 20, 2020

That ends their season

The Patriots lost today, eliminating themselves from the playoffs.

The Steelers play tomorrow night and they are already assured a playoff spot.

Guess I'll be rooting for the Steelers.

Politicians (a.k.a. Lying Sacks of Shit) are claiming that they have agreed upon a covid relief bill that includes $600 stimulus checks for all of us.

I won't believe that until I see the money.

Politicians always claim that after hours of discussion and hard work (they always claim that sitting in a room talking about something is hard work), they have reached an agreement. Then, just when you think something might happen, some arrogant prick comes long and says, "We need to attach a requirement to the bill that provides all members of congress with a raise! I didn't get a harumph out of that guy..." and we all end up getting screwed.

Anyways, if they actually do get around to passing the bill, we might see a check in four or five weeks.

I've been watching some of the PNC Championship father/son golf match and I've decided I miss playing golf. My back doesn't miss it but I do.

Maybe this summer I'll go play a round on the par 3 course down the road from me.

After that, maybe I'll spend three days on the couch with a heating pad and a bottle of ibuprofen.

I'm going to make tacos for dinner.

While I do that, you can do these:

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